Google Trends: “buy bitcoin” request jumped to record levels

by in Cryptocurrency News

Buy Bitcoin Google Trends

Amid the collapse of stock markets, investors became interested in buying bitcoin, despite the fact that the crypto market also experienced a serious fall. This is evidenced by data from Google Trends.

Related: Bitcoin is lower than $8000. Oil fell by 30%.

So, on March 13, the number of search queries “buy bitcoin” jumped sharply to the highest level in the entire past month.

In addition, Twitter user filbfilb noted that at some point, the search term “buy bitcoin” exceeded the popularity of “buy gold” in popularity. Later, gold nevertheless regained its leadership.

Recall, on March 13, the price of bitcoin at some point fell to $3800, losing more than 50% of the cost in just a day. Some analysts and traders have begun to express the opinion that the price of bitcoin will fall.

At the moment, the course is at around $5100. For example, according to the legendary trader and tech analyst Peter Brandt, the price of the first crypto coin will continue to fall and may bottom out below $1000.

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In parallel, there is a crisis in traditional financial markets. Experts have announced the completion of the longest bull market in history, and Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson believes that the world economic order of the 20th century is dead.