Gemini Exchange, established by the Winklevoss brothers, has integrated TradingView, a leading platform for a professional analysis.
Have you heard the news?! Gemini is now the only fully integrated crypto exchange on @tradingview!🎉
— Gemini (@Gemini) February 4, 2020
TradingView users with a Gemini account can now buy and sell #crypto through the TradingView platform.
Read all about the integration here:
Gemini users have the chance to patronize or invest right by the platform's interface. They additionally have an opportunity to apply charting instruments and access to the forum of the alliance of traders.
“Presently, to simplify trading strategies and execute orders, you can use advanced charting and screening tools, checklists and social functions, while supporting the preservation of trading on our exchange,” Gemini mentioned in the statement.
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According to the corporation, Gemini is currently the only crypto exchange that has integrated with this platform.
The web service and social network project for tradesmen were launched in 2011. TradingView includes a range of instruments like graphing, analytics, and a trading platform with social points for user communication.
At the beginning of the year, Gemini opened a corporation to ensure the assets of its custodial service for $ 200 million and completed the second level of the security audit.