Google's Cloud Team Forms Web3 Group to Meet Demand in Crypto

by in Blockchain News

Google Cloud Web3

In February, Google's parent company Alphabet announced that the future plans of the conglomerate include blockchain technology and Web 3.

Related: Google Forms a Group to Work on Distributed Technologies

And now, the Cloud group of Google is starting a team to offer their services to blockchain app developers. Thus, the company aims to meet the growing popularity of the crypto industry.

According to a CNBC press release, Google Cloud VP and General Manager Amit Zavery said that the idea of the Web3 Group is to make the Platform the preferred choice of developers. He wrote that Web3 has huge potential with many users asking for Google support for Web3 and crypto-related tech.

Previously, the Cloud Team unveiled intentions for a Digital Assets Team saying that the company was exploring how customers could use cryptos in payments.

Web3 is a new generation of internet powered by decentralized technologies. Major companies including Amazon, Meta, and Youtube previously stated their interest in the market.