Donald Trump attacks Bitcoin again

by in Cryptocurrency News


Back in the summer of 2019, Donald Trump, who was then president of the United States, tweeted that the dollar is the world's leading financial instrument.

Unregulated digital assets like bitcoin are used by criminals to launder money. Trump then stressed that real threats to the state's economy come from BTC and other cryptocurrencies.

Yesterday, in an interview with Fox Business, the ex-president of the United States again criticized Bitcoin and even called it a scam.

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Trump said that when he headed the US government, digital currency traded in the $ 6,000 area or even below that level. Recently, this coin has soared to an all-time high, which cannot but cause concern for the US authorities.

The White House must focus on keeping the dollar as the world's leading financial instrument. As for bitcoin, regulators need to implement a tight legal framework for cryptocurrency, the former American leader said.