UniSwap raised over $1 billion in transaction fees

by in Cryptocurrency News


Since its launch in November 2018, the UniSwap decentralized crypto exchange has been able to earn more than $ 1 billion in transaction fees. We are talking about both versions of the platform, such as v2 and v3.

From data provided by IntoThеBlock analyst Lucas Outumuro, the marketplace has earned approximately $ 1.02 billion. The value of funds locked in this protocol, deployed in the decentralized finance market Defi, is now just over $ 16.938 billion.

Recall that the UniSwap platform is deployed on Ethereum. She tops the ranking of decentralized crypto exchanges (DEX) in terms of the trading volume.

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Of the blockchain gaming applications (DApps), Axie Infinity turned out to be the most productive.

According to Token Terminal, over the past 30 days, transaction fees on this platform have exceeded $ 308 million. That is, on average, the application earned about $ 10 million daily in commissions.