The number of Binance employees has grown from 50 to 1000

by in Blockchain News

Binance team

Binance was established in 2017, and since then the number of its workers has grown 20 times, breaking 1000.

Yi He said in an interview: “When Binance began work in 2017, there were less than 50 workers. Today we have more than 1000 employees, and we accept new people every day.”

Binance ICO took place in July 2017 and raised a capital of $15 million. The platform was launched a month later.

“Although the company was small, we then became an international decentralized team, part of which worked remotely and collaborated with the executive team,” said Yi He.

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Binance quickly gained popularity in the market, and a year later its daily trading volume grew to $1.5 billion.

Recently, coronavirus prevention measures and market downturns have led to massive layoffs of workers from companies.

Yi He said that due to the current situation, many talented people are losing their jobs, and several companies are forced to lay off their employees.

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“We believe this is the best time to attract outstanding talent. In Q2, we will continue to recruit new employees for Binance.”

Yi He also said that in terms of long-term goals, the company's mission has not changed. Considering cryptocurrencies as a way to unlock the potential of money, Binance seeks to improve people's access to them.