Crypto supporter Brian Quintenz announces retirement from CFTC

by in Cryptocurrency News

Brian Quintenz

Brian Quintenz, known for his friendly attitude to cryptocurrencies, announced his resignation from the post of CFTC.

Quintenz's term expired back in April 2020, when he committed to resigning by October. At the same time, the law allowed him to work in the CFTC until the end of 2021.

“Without a successful replacement, I decided to stay in my position this year to make sure my voice is heard as important issues in the derivatives market and financial innovation were raised during the change of administration,” the commissioner wrote.

His seat will be vacant from 31 August.

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“During my term, the CFTC controlled the listing of bitcoin futures contracts; storage of digital assets within the traditional clearing infrastructure; the spread of blockchain technology; the creation of tokenized goods and the rapid proliferation of decentralized finance (DeFi),” said Quintenz.

He also stated that he is going to maintain a positive attitude towards the cryptocurrency industry.

In January 2021, Heath Tarbert left the post of CFTC chairman. Under his leadership, the department approved the definition of the delivery of cryptocurrency to the buyer, announced a competition to create tools for tracking unregistered derivative offers, and announced the development of comprehensive regulation of digital assets.