BitFlyer and Brave will jointly develop a new crypto wallet

by in Cryptocurrency News


Japan's largest crypto exchange BitFlyer has announced a partnership with the confidential Brave browser to create a cryptocurrency wallet.

BitFlyer and Brave have announced that they will develop a cryptocurrency asset wallet for users of the Brave browser.

Japanese users of the Brave browser already receive Basic Attention Token Points (BAP) bonus points, while the rules in the country forbid them to earn BAT cryptocurrency or exchange points for money on exchanges.

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The announcement of companies can also spur rumors that the new cryptocurrency wallet opens the way to making BAT instead of BAP, as well as to converting them.

A Brave spokesperson said: “At the moment, we use the points to encourage users, but there are also some restrictions. However, partnerships are likely to go beyond that.”

BitFlyer announced that more details about the cryptocurrency wallet would be revealed at an event in Tokyo on July 30, in which Brave founder Brendan Eich will participate.