Binance donated $1 million for Australian Bushfires’ victims

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Australian bushfires

Binance has given $1 million in crypto for helping the sufferers of Australian fires.

Binance Charity has started a program to assist the Australian bushfires' aid projects.

These fires are determined to be the most critical in decennaries. They've killed hundreds of local inhabitants, animals, and scorched more than six million hectares of area.

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Changpeng Zhao commented on the situation: "It's disheartening to observe the disastrous fires burning all over Australia. Also realizing destructive impacts on the ecology and the regional population. We're willing to help to deal with this emergency."

He also urged the crypto society to join their intention and help the sufferers of fires.

Helen Hai, leader of the Binance Charity, said: "Our organization feels sorry for the ones who have flagged hurts in this catastrophe, and we actively desire to have our role in supporting."

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Binance Charity accepts donations exclusively in their native BNB coin. You can find more info about the program on the official website.