What is Cardano?
This platform combines finances operations with Smart Contracts, is working on a blockchain and is known as Cardano. Cardano is totally open-source and it additionally supports operations with Dapps. ADA is the crypto-coin, which runs on Cardano. There are two fundamental layers on this layered platform. The first one launches ADA exchanges and the second one operates with Smart Contracts. The chief aim of ADA coin is to conduct exchanges and Smart Contract operations and make them easier. The second thing they want to achieve is to resolve the complexity with scalability. The project originated in 2015 but was finally represented in 2017. From that on it is being improved by a society of technicians and academics from all around the world. Cardano is the leading cryptocurrency that operates on a scientific peer review, which is considered to be more protected. This was their idea and they successfully brought it to life. Also, this is the first project that was formed on theories which were tested scientifically. The ADA targets to give users the capability of making safe and high-speed transactions, besides, it gives a capacity to easily operate with Dapps and smart contracts.