What is the fate of Satoshi Nakamoto's 1.1 million bitcoins?

by in Cryptocurrency News

Craig Wright court

The District Court of the Southern District of Florida on July 6 will begin a hearing in the case in which relatives of Dave Kleiman accused Craig Wright of misappropriating half of 1.1 million bitcoins.

Related: Craig Wright claims to prove Bitcoin holdings

The parties have the opportunity until July 3 to put an end to this confusing two-year process, if they manage to agree out of court. Otherwise, the court will issue a verdict within two weeks after the hearing began on July 6.

By June 22, the plaintiff and defendant must submit to the court the materials of their case, including all evidence, as well as lists of witnesses. Until June 26, all disagreements must be resolved.

Recall, the family of the late business partner David Kleiman is trying to return half of 1.1 million BTC (over $8 billion at the current exchange rate) to the Tulip Trust, owned by the creator of bitcoin Satoshi Nakamoto, who claims to be Australian businessman Craig Wright.

Since Wright’s refusal to provide the court with more than 11,000 requested documents in February, citing marital and lawyer secrets, the plaintiff and defendant entered into debates regarding the validity of these arguments. However, until April 17, the court ordered Wright to provide documents confirming information about his ownership history of 1.1 million BTC.

Wright has not yet provided any evidence that he really owns these coins.