The team of Pavel Durov agreed to transfer part of the documentation about his crypto project Telegram Open Network for consideration by the SEC. That was reported the day before by business media concerning the press center of the American regulator.
Reporters learned that Telegram is ready to provide the SEC with data on the placement of Gram tokens, which took place in 2018.
At the moment, the digital currency has not been released. The SEC was able to secure the suspension of the Telegram ICO by accusing the digital asset developers of violating US securities laws.
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The Durov team will transfer to the commission all agreements between Telegram and cryptocurrency buyers. Such documents will be submitted to the regulator by May 20. Also, the company must disclose its financial statements and answer questions about interaction with a group of banks.
At the same time, the Telegram management does not abandon the idea of launching its digital currency and will challenge the suspension of the ICO. Recently, info has also been received that their reserves funded in the TON project is going to be returned to American investors.