Now It's Possible to Manage Tesla Car Using Chainlink

by in Blockchain News

Tesla + CXhainlink

An outer adapter allows Tesla drivers to have access and change their status in Chainlink market.

The system was developed in terms of Chainlink Virtual Hackathon by blockchain/DLT engineer Harry Papacharissiou. The prizewinners became known at the beginning of October.

The Chainlink Virtual Hackaton showcased first hand the massive growth of smart contracts now possible by secure off-chain connection via Chainlink oracles.

So far there have been in-built car adopters. Now there are external adapters which include customized utility.

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Intending to provide decentralization, it's possible hosting external adapters by other nodes not running your own Chainlink node.

The adapter provides such API (application programming interface) requests as authentication, locking/unlocking the car and honking the horn. According to the plan, 20 more API options will be attached.

The adapter was labelled "Link My Ride". It gives the opportunity to interact with Tesla cars and other devices like Powerwall batteries.

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Papacharissiou informed that it may be possible in future to create Link My Ride decentralized car renting application. Papacharissiou was awarded $8000 for his invention with co-developers Matt Durkin and Dunken Bilths.