Jack Dorsey once again praised Bitcoin

by in Cryptocurrency News

Jack Dorsey

Twitter founder Jack Dorsey continues to point to the enormous potential of the largest digital currency. He has repeatedly praised Bitcoin and stressed that it is the only currency on the Internet.

Dorsey recently reaffirmed his commitment not only to Bitcoin but also to blockchain technology. He also announced the creation of a team to develop a decentralized Twitter platform.

The team will include five architects, engineers, and designers, Forbes reports.

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According to Jack Dorsey, the emergence of a blockchain platform for the social network will improve the security of its users. We are not yet able to provide complete protection, but we need to strive to improve it regularly, the founder of the social network summed up.

Jack Dorsey tweeted in the spring that he continues to buy bitcoins. In parallel, he decided to make a significant contribution to the popularization of the cryptocurrency industry.