Investors of the TON project demand payment of compensation

by in Blockchain News


Back in the spring of 2020, the founder of Telegram, Pavel Durov, announced the closure of the TON blockchain project, which was supposed to become one of the largest in the cryptocurrency industry.

At the same time, the team of the messenger creators announced their readiness to return the funds invested by investors in the creation of a platform for operations with the Gram token. The total investment reached $ 1.7 billion.

Then there were messages about the intention of TON investors to sue and seek compensation for the losses incurred.

At the end of February this year, Pavel Durov's team received a notification from Da Vinci Capital investors about their intention to initiate a lawsuit. Top managers and lawyers of the company received a similar notification.

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The amount of compensation in connection with the closure of the project should be about $ 100 million. If Durov refuses to pay this money, then the investors are ready to file a claim with the London court.

Oleg Zhelezko, one of the co-owners of Da Vinci Capital, declined to comment on information leaked to the media.

Note that among Russian businessmen David Yakobashvili and Sergey Solonin have invested in the Telegram Open Network crypto project.