First Australian pension fund decides to invest in crypto

by in Cryptocurrency News


There are a growing number of pension funds around the world that have included digital currencies in their portfolio. The first Australian fund decided to follow the path of similar financial structures from other countries.

Rest Super fund manages $ 46.8 billion in assets and serves 1.8 million Australian retirees. Andrew Lill, representing Rest Super's top management, said that his fund sees cryptocurrencies as a promising instrument.

However, the pension fund will work with digital assets as carefully as possible, since they are volatile and can collapse in price at any time. Inflation leads to the depreciation of the money supply.

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In this situation, investors need to look around to find the best risk hedging tool. Cryptocurrency has magnificent potential in this regard, Lill said.

He did not list the coins in which the fund invested but added that capital investments are going to grow gradually to prevent financial losses.