European Union Votes Against Green Cryptocurrency Mining Study

by in Cryptocurrency News

European Union crypto mining

European Union’s lawmakers rejected a Green Party plan to explore other methods of proof-of-work mining that powers the Bitcoin blockchain.

Related: EU Rejected a Proposal to Ban Proof of Work Cryptos

Earlier, the European Parliament didn't approve the proposal to impose limitations on the PoW systems. A Spanish member of the parliament's Green caucus Ernest Urtasun told the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, said that the ruling of the chair Stéphanie Yon-Courtin not to confirm the bill was disappointing.

According to Urtasun the green proposal doesn’t interfere with another legislation, MICA. He added that there's evidence that cryptos can cause essential harm to the climate and the surroundings.

The proposal called for €800,000 ($803,000) of funds to be used for creation of the measurement of the impact of mining and coming up with greener alternatives.