Crypto investors Cardano and TRON using the eToro crypto exchange will be able to earn interest on their investments, according to the company.
For example, if staking generates a 6% ROI, investors will earn 4.5% to 5.4% on their crypto holdings. The exact quantity that investors will gain depends on the level of membership they have acquired and the profit that each coin brings.
eToro will automatically distribute rewards. Users must meet certain conditions to be eligible to receive rewards: they must hold the given coin for several days and earn at least $ 1 in bonus.
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While only two tokens are currently supported, eToro plans to add staking support for other coins in the future, including NEO, Tezos, EOS, and possibly Ethereum 2.0.
eToro isn't the only exchange offering staking services. Several other exchanges, including Coinbase, Bitfinex, and Binance, have also presented similar offers to investors over the past few years.
Earlier it was reported that the Malaysian Securities Commission (SC) included the cryptocurrency exchange Binance and the eToro platform in its list of unauthorized companies.