The team of Pavel Durov decided to ban American investors from participating in the TON crypto project for another year.
In specific, it was stated that Telegram sent a letter to American investors, in which it stated that they could not remain for another year in the TON project.
Thus, US players participating in the placement of Gram tokens will not receive 110% of their investment. They will ultimately receive 72% of the funds from the Durov company.
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Sources cited by journalists confirmed the fact that investors of the TON project received such a letter. It says that in late April, Gram developers offered investors two scenarios.
In the first case, they were asked to return 72% of the invested funds. In the second scenario, Telegram insured in 2021 to return already 110% of the invested capital.
Now it has become known that the American players participating in the ICO won't be able to use the second scenario. That is due to a lawsuit initiated by the SEC.