What is MIR COIN?
MIR COIN is a crypto asset directly connected to casual life. It is used in the platform called MIR or sometimes MIR Land. MIR Coin is the backbone of the system, which offers multiple unique solutions concerning content and affiliated business strategy. The system aims to unite the society and for that reason, they created the coin that is easy to pay in casual life. MIR Coin represents an individual network consisting of numerous features, coupons, stock supplies, and payment systems. Besides, it's accessible at any moment and any place. MIR Coin was created in 2018. Users can exchange it with stable currency MIR PAY. They can trade coins included in the exchange market and use them irrespective to the trading rate or the currency of each nation. Connecting blockchain with a digital paying platform, MIR Coin makes financial activities fast and secure. The platform suggests a virtuous cycle which is concentrated on providing development and first-rate services to more members. So, the open environment is focused on business associates and affiliates returning the benefits immediately to the members.