What is Shift?
Shift is a reinvented decentralized cloud hosting. It combines the transparency, immutability and decentralization of blockchain with distributed hosting. Shift reinvents decentralized cloud hosting with Lock n’ Load™ technology. This means You can store Your files by these steps: 1. Lock (start by locking some SHIFT to receive storage space) 2. Upload 3. Pin (record the hash of your file permanently on the blockchain) 4. Load (Open your file using our gateway) Then You can retrieve the tokens by reversing the steps. Shift is meant to solve blockchain-based cloud hosting problems. As an alternative to smart contracts, Shift offers token locking. This is simple for users as way as for developers. For stability issues the blockchain uses Phoenix. Phoenix is a simple pinning interface to bridge IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) and the Shift blockchain. The project is currently working on Phoenix SDK and Transactional lattice (DAG) and sharding. Shift accounts will each have their own blockchain, which removes the need for transactions to be bundled into blocks. The lattice, therefore, allows unlimited transaction growth. Shift token connects to IPFS and with phantom to DNS (Domain Name System) aiming to create new, decentralized internet.