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Name Price Market Cap Volume (24h) Circulating Supply
Serum Serum
$0.048658 $18,130,732 $1,282,154 372,782,297 SRM
JustLiquidity JustLiquidity
$0.000000 $18,059,731 $60,030 564,623 JUL
Galaxia Galaxia
$0.005873 $18,029,321 $2,800,267 3,061,800,134 GXA
Pangolin Pangolin
$0.092477 $17,946,011 $867,712 196,029,573 PNG
$0.103922 $17,862,284 $293,546 171,869,862 MATH
FIO Protocol FIO Protocol
$0.024540 $17,772,184 $1,181,636 723,791,561 FIO
Gearbox Gearbox
$0.010674 $17,719,626 $1,086,842 1,660,201,607 GEAR
$0.025273 $17,680,814 $1,951,466 699,557,405 OM
Electronic USD Electronic USD
$0.993296 $17,666,164 $84,203 17,764,650 EUSD
Sovryn Sovryn
$0.470873 $17,598,037 $165,718 37,373,194 SOV
Shiden Network Shiden Network
$0.270171 $17,591,146 $429,905 65,107,514 SDN
IX Swap IX Swap
$0.116211 $17,554,012 $289,896 151,101,817 IXS
Gamma Strategies Gamma Strategies
$0.282318 $17,553,570 $54,345 62,166,673 GAMMA
Dopex Dopex
$63.68 $17,484,337 $612,712 274,419 DPX
Stride Staked Osmo Stride Staked Osmo
$0.873822 $17,420,807 $18,209 19,934,994 STOSMO
Castello Coin Castello Coin
$0.088946 $17,360,580 $130,758 195,328,507 CAST
Bitrue Coin Bitrue Coin
$0.060041 $17,359,947 $9,310,496 289,136,923 BTR
Effect.AI Effect.AI
$0.083958 $17,340,710 $135,804 206,668,526 EFX
WeWay WeWay
$0.005747 $17,313,615 $1,045,752 3,012,518,111 WWY
ParagonsDAO ParagonsDAO
$0.139306 $17,302,365 $81,710 124,204,333 PDT

Cryptocurrency Price Indexes

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